Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 12-15

We will be learning the /sh/ sound in words this week.  Words beginning with and ending with the /sh/ sound.  

Our story this week is "Fun With Fish."  We will learn about nonfiction fish and fish characteristics as well as refer to fictitious movies or stories we may have read of seen.  

We are finishing up addition in math and preceding onto subtraction at the end of the week.

In social studies we are discussing Veterans Day and the concept of holidays.

In science we will begining solids, liquids, and gasses.  Our activities will lead into a wall track for marbles.  Please begin collecting toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, cardboard boxes for using the corners, or anything else we may be able to use in our constructions.

Spelling words include:  
Ship, shop, shot, wish, dish, dash, ring, rang, be, try

You may always reference the following school website for Harcourt Reading information for the week!

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